
New Recruits Secure Brigade’s Future

Like many RFS Brigades from around the state, falling volunteer numbers has become an issue – and Canyonleigh was no exception. In mid-2023 a call went out to the community to bolster numbers, and secure a future, for our Brigade. With a combination of home visits and with the help of the Canyonleigh Community Association, we secured eighteen new members.

Following a recruitment day held at the fire shed, 13 of the 18 members (four of the new members to complete BF in 2024) committed to online and practical training in record time – to be ready for the 2023/24 fire season. With two full days of training, combined with several days of refresher courses, our 13 new members were ready for full assessment on Saturday 21 October. With the help of three qualified assessors, two Group Captains and three Canyonleigh members the four and a half hour assessment put our new members through a number of exercises and theory lessons to `test their metal’. The result – all 13 members passed with flying colours!

Congratulations to: Annie Armstrong, her husband Bruce Fox and son Oscar Fox (another family group), Dave and Tatiana Kirkland, Robert Platt & Jenny Maddocks, brother and sister James and Lisa McGrath, Chloe Smith, Emily Greenslade, Robert Smith and Helen Phillips.

Looks like the Canyonleigh Rural Fire Brigade has a long future ahead with the help of our newest recruits!