10 September 2024 12:10 pm
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What & When to Burn

The gazetted bush fire season in the Southern Highlands usually runs from 1 October until 31 March each year. However, should hazardous conditions prevail outside these times, fire bans can be extended. During this time fires cannot be conducted without a fire permit. From 1 April until 30 September each year (or as advised by […]

Captain’s message

Bush fires are a threat to all regional and urban fringe communities and Canyonleigh is no exception. We all have a responsibility to ensure that our communities, neighbours and families are aware of, and responsible for, bush fire safety. The Canyonleigh Bush Fire Brigade is made up of dedicated, well trained volunteers ready to assist […]

Bush fire threats to Canyonleigh

The 2017/18 bush fire season has seen Canyonleigh seriously threatened by two major fire events – the Paddy’s River fire in October 2017 and the recent Bannaby bush fire: and the season isn’t over yet.  Recent wet weather and storms are good for now, but with drying and curing of grasses and above average temperatures […]

About Canyonleigh

Although a relatively remote area, Canyonleigh is home to a growing number of families, rural businesses, home businesses and hobby farms. The Canyonleigh bush fire area is the largest in Wingecarribee Shire. The zone is bounded by the Hume Highway to the east, Wollondilly River to the west, Paddy’s River to the south and the […]

Train to be a RFS Volunteer

Community members (full-time and casual) who live close by and even regular visitors to our area are invited to join the Brigade.  Training, usually held during winter, consists of practical and theory (via on-line), hands-on drills and equipment use, local area familiarity day and final assessment. Although intense, it covers all aspects of bush firefighting, […]

Brigade honours Charlotte Stahl

  On the evening of Saturday 15 September 2018, long-time member of the Canyonleigh Brigade Charlotte Stahl thought her catering duties were required following the Brigade’s all-day training event.  As usual, Charlotte and husband Ron (a Life Member of the Brigade himself) went about setting up tables, BBQ, plates and getting food ready for the […]

April 2018 – A Very Busy Time

The month of April usually means things start to get a bit quieter for RFS crews, but April 2018 was certainly different. Briefly – here’s how our month went. Sat 07.04:   Joadja HR . Brett ,Terry and Kellie spent the day lighting up control lines and then putting out spot fires Sun 08.04:  Joadja HR . Mark, Claudia, Mary […]

Paddys River Fire

At approximately 12.30pm on Saturday 23rd September 2017 the Canyonleigh Brigade received notice that a fire had broken out on a property located on Inverary Road Paddy’s River, approximately 500 metres west of the Hume Motorway. Fire conditions on the day were Severe with a Total Fire Ban in place. The temperature was in the […]

10/50 Rule – what you need to know.

10/50 VEGETATION CLEARING – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW If you live in an area close to the bush, you need to prepare your home. The 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Scheme gives people living near the bush an additional way of being better prepared for bush fires. The scheme allows people in a designated area to: […]

Australian Bush Fire History

Bushfires have accounted for over 800 deaths in Australia since 1851 and the total accumulated cost is estimated at $1.6 billion. In terms of monetary cost however, they rate behind the damage caused by drought, severe storms, hail, and cyclones perhaps because they most commonly occur outside highly populated urban areas. Australia’s worst ever recorded […]

Ron Stahl’s life membership

Ron Stahl - Life Member

Members and their families of the Canyonleigh RFS brigade gathered in force on the night of Saturday 2nd August to celebrate Ron Stahl’s life membership of the RFS.  Canyonleigh RFS Captain Mark Pearson presented Mr Stahl with a certificate to represent a lifetime of service to the organisation and a second framed and signed certificate […]

Hall Road Fire October 2013

The incident, which flared up on Thursday 17 October to the east of Balmoral village, continued for over a week, destroying over 16,000 hectares of land, 2 dwellings and numerous sheds and structures. The brigade’s volunteer members gave freely of their time to assist in fighting this fire knowing that, if a similar event broke-out […]

Women’s Bush Fire Training

Our award-winning Women’s Bush Fire Training event is usually staged in September each year – especially designed for the women of our community that need assistance with their Bush Fire Survival Plan and preparation of their property. Theory and practical fire drills are designed to enable you to cope with potential bush fire threats. Talks and instruction […]

Bush Fire Awareness and Training

This award-winning program will help you to prepare for the fire season. This is a full day of learning and practical training to provide the skills and experience should you or your home face a potential bush fire. You will also be assisted by qualified RFS staff to develop your own Bush Fire Survival Plan. […]